domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013


Recommended age group: level 2

Characters: Narrator, Old Woman, Old Man, Gingerbread Man, Cow, Pig, Horse, Dog, Fox.


An old woman and an old man lived in an old house. They felt lonely because they had no children, so one day the woman decided to make a gingerbread cookie in the shape of a boy. When the gingerbread man was done, he came to life, jumped and ran out of the house crying "Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" The old couple tried to catch him but they couldn’t. Then, a cow, a pig, a horse and a dog tried to catch and eat him but they couldn’t. He always escaped saying: “Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"  Finally, near a river he met a fox who convinced him to jump on his back to cross the river. Once they were on the other side, the fox opened his mouth and ate the gingerbread man in one bite.     


Old woman and old man: They feel lonely because they have no children.
Gingerbread Man: Runs and runs and teases everyone he meets.
Cow, pig, horse and dog: They want to eat the gingerbread man but he escapes from all of them.
Fox: He’s smart. He cheats the gingerbread man and finally eats him.


Scene 1.- At home
The old woman decides to make a boy out of gingerbread. She cooks. When the cookie is done and she opens the oven, the Gingerbread Man jumps, goes straight out the door and leaves home.

Scene 2.- At the fields
The old man and the old woman go after him but they can’t catch him. Then the Gingerbread man runs and runs and meets a cow, a horse, a pig and a dog one after another. All of them want to eat him but he escapes saying: “Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me! I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Scene 3.- Near the river
He meets a fox. The fox convinces him to jump on his back so he can cross the river. The fox swims deeper and convinces the gingerbread man to get on his nose and when the fox reaches the shore, he eats the gingerbread man.

5 comentarios:

  1. I really like your script, it is well structured, simple and it can easily be performed by the students in class. It also fits perfectly the age you have chosen.
    In my opinion, the fact of playing the story allow the students to develop their speaking skills as well as their creativity.

  2. I love classics, and obviosly this is one of the most popular and effective ones. What I like most of your outline is that you could make a perfect synthesis of the story, the characters and the situations involved in it. Maybe I will include some tips for the students and some ideas for the set like dressing, backgrounds and so on. Congrats. Víctor Gracía.

  3. I like it very much! I know the story and children love it! It is appropriate for my children because they are in the same level than yours, but I want to ask you a question... How would you drama this play with your students? You have nine characters and, normally, we have more than the twenty in a classroom...

    1. Well, you can add more animals or organize two groups.

    2. Well, you can add more animals or organize two groups.
